Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
natural Daughter of a Scotch Peer by an italianOpera-girl — I was born in Spain & receivedmy Education at a Convent in France.
When I had reached my eighteenthYear I was recalled by my Parents to
my pater::nal roof in Wales. Our mansion was
situatedin one of the most romantic parts of the Valeof
Uske. Tho'Though my Charms are now
considerablysoftened and somewhat impaired by the Misfor::tunes I have
undergone, I was once beautiful.But lovely as I was the Graces of my Person
werethe least of my Perfections –. Of every accom::plishment
accustomary to my sex, I wasMistreſs. – When in the Convent, my progreſshad
always exceeded my instructions, myAcquirementshad beenwerewonderfull for my age,and
Ihad shortly surpaſsed my Masters.
In my Mind, every Virtue that couldadorn it was centered;
it was the Rendez-vousof every good Quality & the place of appointment