Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Scene — an Inn –
Host:∫sHosteſs to Maria )If the gentry in the Lion shouldwant beds, shew them number 9. —
Maria)Yes Mistreſs. —exit Maria —
Host:∫sHosteſs to Cook )If their Honours in the Moon askfor the bill of fare, give it them.
Cook) — I wull, I wull. —exit Cook.
Host∫sHostess to Charles)If their Ladyships in the Sun ringtheir Bell — answer it. –
Charles)Yes Ma'am. —Exeunt Severally –––
Pistol:ttaPistoletta)Pray papa how far is it to London?
Popgun)My Girl, my Darling, my favourite of allmy Children, who art the picture of thy poorMother who died two months ago, with whomI am going to Town to marry you toto Strephon1 andto whom I mean to bequeath my whole Estate,it wants seven Miles.
- 1.
- 'to Strephon' written over erased 'you to'.Back to context...