Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
are deceived yourself, do not attempt deceivingme." "Inshort my Love it was the work of some hours for me to persuade the poordespairing Youth that you had really a preference for him; but when at last he could no longer deny the force of my ar::guments, or discredit what I told him,his transports, his Raptures, his Extaciesare beyond my power to describe."
"Oh! the dear Creature, cried I, how paſsion::ately he loves me! But dear Lady Scuda::more did you tell him that I was to::tally dependant on my Uncle & Aunt?"
"Yes, I told him every thing."
"And what did he say."
"He exclaimed with virulence againstUncles & Aunts; Accused the Laws of En::gland for allowing himthem1 to poſseſs their
- 1.
- 'him' altered to 'them'.Back to context...