are deceived yourself, do not attempt deceivingme." "Inshort my Love it was the work of some hours for me to persuade the poordespairing Youth that you had really a preference for him; but when at last he could no longer deny the force of my ar::guments, or discredit what I told him,his transports, his Raptures, his Extaciesare beyond my power to describe."

"Oh! the dear Creature, cried I, how paſsion::ately he loves me! But dear Lady Scuda::more did you tell him that I was to::tally dependant on my Uncle & Aunt?"

"Yes, I told him every thing."

"And what did he say."

"He exclaimed with virulence againstUncles & Aunts; Accused the Laws of En::gland for allowing himthem1 to poſseſs their


'him' altered to 'them'.Back to context...
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