Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Mortal. You are an Angel. You are Venus
herself. Inshort Madam you are the prettiestGirl I ever saw in my Life — & her Beautyis encreased in her Musgrove's Eyes, by permitting him to
love her & allowing meto hope. And Ah! Angelic Miſs HenriettaHeaven is my Witneſs how ardently I dohope for the death of your villanousUncle& his AbandonedWife, Since my fairone, will not consent to be mine till
their decease has placed her in affluence above
whatmy fortune can procure —.
Though it is animprovable Estate —. Cruel Henrietta to persist in
such a resolution! I am at pre::sent with my Sister where I mean
tocontinue till my own house which tho'thoughan excellent oneHouse is at present some::what out of repair, is ready to receiveme. Amiable princeſs of my Heart