Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
day. There is something so sweet, so mildin her Countenance, that she seems morethan Mortal. Her Conversation is as bewitch::ing as her appearance –; I could not help telling her how much she engaged myAdmiration –. "Oh! Miſs Jane (said I) — and stopped from an inability at the momentof expreſsing myself as I could wish –"Oh!Miſs Jane — (I repeated) — I could not thinkof words to suit my feelings –. She seemedwaiting for my Speech –. I was confused – dis--treſsed —My thoughts were bewildered — andI could only add — "How do you do?" She saw& felt for my Embarraſsment & with admi::rable presence of mind releived me fromit by saying – "My dear Sophia be not un==easy at having exposed Yourself — I willturn the Conversation without appearingto notice it." Oh! how I loved her for her kind::neſs! "Do you ride as much as you used to do?"