Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
must suppose my dear Belle that this isthe Case, since I am not conscious of being more sincerely attached to Willoughby than I was to Neville, Fitzowen, or either of the Crawfords, for all of whom I once felt the most lasting affection that ever warmeda Woman's heart. Tell me then dear Belle why I still sigh when I think of the faith::leſs Edward, or why I weep when I beholdhis Bride,?1 for too surely this is the case –. MyFreinds are all alarmed for me; They fear my declining health; they lament my wantof Spirits; they dread the effects of both.In hopes of releiving my Melancholy, by directing my thoughts to other objects, theyhave invited several of their freinds to spend the Christmas with us. Lady Bridget Dash::wood & her Sister-in-Law Miſs Jane are ex::pected on Friday; & Colonel Seaton's family will
- 1.
- Question mark partly erased.Back to context...