Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Carriage is driving to the door, & I will nota moment delay the happineſs you areso impatient to enjoy." When we arrived at Warleigh, poor Augusta could scarcelybreathe, while Margaret was all Life &Rapture. "The long-expected Moment is now arrived (said she) and we shall soon be inthe World." – In a few Moments we werein Mrs Cope's parlour –, where with her daugh::ter she sate ready to receive us. I observedwith delight the impreſsion my Childrenmade on them –. They were indeed twosweet, elegant-looking Girls, & tho'though some::what abashed from the peculiarity of theirSituation, Yet there was an ease in theirManners & Addreſs which could not failof pleasing –. Imagine my dear Madamhow delighted I hamuest1 have been in be:
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- 'must' changed from 'have', 'v' from 'have' being reused as 'u'.Back to context...