Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Mrs Marlowe, and the acquaintance of myCharlotte at Bristol. Mr and MrsM.Marlowe werethe Gentlemean1 & Lady who accompanied him.(You do not think Mrs Marlowe handsome?) Theelegant address of Mr Cleveland, his polished Mannersand DelightfulBow, at once confirmed my attach::ment. He did not speak; but I can imagine everything he would have said, had he opened his Mouth.I can picture to myself the cultivated Understand--ing, the NobleSentiments, & elegant Language which would have shone so conspicuous in the conversationof Mr Cleveland. The approach of Sir James Gower(one of my too numerous Admirers) preventedthe Discovery of any such Powers, by puttingan end to a Conversation we hadnever commenced,and by attracting my Attention to himself.
- 1.
- 'Gentlemen' altered to 'Gentleman'.Back to context...