lLetter1 the Ninth

Mrs Marlowe to Miſs Luttrell

Grosvenor Street, April 10th

Need I say my dear Eloisa how wellcomeyour Letter was to me? I cannot give a great::er proof of the pleasure I received from it, orof the Desire I feel that our Correspondence may be regular & frequent than by setting you so good an example as I now do in answeringit before the end of athe2 week —. But do not ima::gine that I claim any merit in being so punc::tual; on the contrary I aſsure you, that it is a fargreater Gratification to me to writeto you, than tospend the Evening either at a Concert or a Ball.Mr Marlowe is so desirous of my appearingat some of the Public places every evening that I do not like to refuse him, but at the same


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'the' written over 'a'.Back to context...
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