Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Goodneſs will not I know refuse to read whatit will so much releive my Heart to write. Ionce thought that to have what is in generalcalled a Freind (I mean one of my own Sexto whom I might speak with leſs reserve thanto any other person) independant of my Sisterwould never be an object of my wishes, but howmuch was I mistaken! Charlotte is too muchengroſsed by two confidential Correspondents ofthat sort, to supply the place of one to me, &I hope you will not think me girlishly roman::tic, when I say that to have some kind andcompaſsionate Freind who might listen to mySorrows without endeavoring to console mewas what I had for some time wished for,when our acquaintance with you, the inti: