drawing Pulle[.]sts.1 No one could sing a better Songthan She, and no one make a better Pye thanI. – And so ithas always continued since we havebeen no longer Children. The only difference is thatall disputes on the superior excellence of [.]2ourEmploymentsthen so frequent are now no more.We have for many years entered into an agree:ment always to admire each other's works;I never fail listening to herMusic, & she isas constant in eating my pies. Such atleast was the case till Henry Hervey madehis appearance in Suſsex. Before the ar:rival of his Aunt in our neighbourhoodwhere she establish'destablished herself you know


Last two letters written over one or more erased letters, second possibly 's'.Back to context...
Partially-formed letter erased after 'of'.Back to context...
Image for page: 125 of manuscript: blvolsecond