from a parcel of Scotch wretches, with terriblehard-names; they were so civil, gave me so manyinvitations, and talked of coming again so soon,that I could not help affronting them. I supposeI shall not see them any more, and yet as afamily party we are so stupid, that I do notknow what to do [.]with1 myself. These girlshave no Music, but Scotch Airs, no Drawingsbut Scotch Mountains, and [.]no2Books butScotch Poems — And I hate every thing Scotch.In general I can spend half the Day at my toilettwith a great deal of pleasure, but why should I dreſs


'wi' written over one illegible letter, possibly 'm'.Back to context...
'n' written over illegible letter, possibly 's'.Back to context...
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