Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
Charlotte, whose character was a willing::ness to oblige every one, when she returnedinto the Country, brought her Freind thewished-for Bonnet, & so ended this littleadventure, much to the satisfaction of allparties.
On her return to Crankhumdunberry(of which sweet village her father wasRector) Charlotte was received with thegreatest Joy by Frederic & Elfrida, who, afterpreſsing her alternately to their Bosoms,proposed to her to take a walk in a Grove of Poplars which led from the Par::sonage to a verdant Lawn enamelledby1 with a variety of variegated flowers &watered by a purling Stream, broughtfrom the Valley of Tempé by a paſsageunder ground.
- 1.
- 'by' was written in front of 'with' and erased.Back to context...