an unbounded ambition was her only fault. Her second sister Sukey was Envious,Spitefull & Malicious. Her person wasshort, fat & disagreable. Cecilia (theyoungest) was perfectly handsome but tooaffected to be pleasingagreable.

In Lady Williams every virtuemet. She was a widow with a handsomeJointure & the remains of a very hand::some face. Tho'ThoughBenevolent & Candid, shewas Generous & sincere; Tho'ThoughPious & Good,she was Religious & amiable, & ThoThough, Ele::gant & Agreable, she was Polished &Entertaining.

1Such was The Johnsons werea family of Love, & though a little ad::dicted to the Bottle & the Dice, had many


'Such was' erased immediately before 'The.'Back to context...
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