Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
Jack & Alice
a novel.
Is respectfully inscribed to Francis Williams AustenEsqr, Midshipman on board his Magesty'sShip the Perse--verance
by his obedient humble ServantThe Author
Chapter the first
Mr Johnson was onceup on a time about53; in a twelvemonths afterwards he was54, which so much delighted him
that hewas determined to celebrate his nextBirth day by giving a Masquerade to hisChildren & Freinds. Accordingly on theDay he
attained his 55th year ticketswere
dispatched to all his Neighboursto that
purpose. His acquaintance indeedin that part of the World were not verynumerous as they
consisted only of Lady