Lord F.Two glaſses of warmed ale with a toastand1  nutmeg.

Miſs F.I am afraid Mr Willoughby you take no care of yourself. I fear youdont meet with any thing to your liking.

Willoughby.Oh! Madam, I can want for nothing while there are red herringson table.

Lord F.Sir Aurthur taste that Tripe. I thinkyou will not find it amiſs.

Lady H.Sir Aurthur never eats Tripe; 'tis toosavoury for himChildren2, you know my Lord.

Miſs F.Take away the Liver & Crow & bringin the Suet pudding.

(a short Pause.)

Miſs F.Sir Aurthur shant I send you


'toast and' appears to have been added later, in darker ink.Back to context...
Word or words (possibly 'Children' heavily deleted and replaced by superlinear insertion of 'him'.Back to context...
Image for page: 136 of manuscript: blvolfirst