Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
I should give you something
totalk of — & so, if you please –––" Here the door was very firmly closed;she could gueſs by which of the two; and she lost entirely what immedi::ately followed; but it was impoſsiblefor her not to distinguishhear parts of the rest,foras the Adml .Admiral on the strength of theDoor's being shut was speaking withoutany management of voice, tho'though she cd .could hearhis companion trying in an undertoneto check him. — She could not doubt
their being speaking of her. She heardher own name & Kellynch repeatedly —she was very much distreſsed.It agitated her very much. — She knewnot what to do, or what to expect —and among other agonies felt the poſsibilitydangerof Capt.CaptainW –––'sWentworth's not returning into theroom at all, which after her consenting tostay
would have been ––– too badfor Language. — They seemed to betalking of the Admls .Admiral'sLeaseLease of Kellynchshe heard him say something of "the Lease beingsigned. or not signed —" —that was not likely to bea very agitating
subject —but then followed "I hate tobe at an uncertainty — I must knowat
once — Sophy thinks the same —" Then, in a lower tone, Capt.CaptainW–––.Wentworthseemed remonstrating —"Yes —, yes,wanting to be excused — wanting to put somethingoff.1"Phoo, Phoo – answered the Admiralnow is the Time. If you will not
- 1.
- RWC conjectures that this deletion is "but" + one other, illegible word.Back to context...