[ p.29 ]

He was very eager & very de::lightful in the description ofwhat he had felt at the Concert.the Eveng .Evening beforeThe Eveng .Evening seemed to have been madeup of exquisite moments; – themoment of her stepping forward inthe Octagon room to speak to him –the moment of Mr . E'sElliot'sappearing &appearancedividing her from him. tearing her & of her being instantly lost to himaway,& one or two subsequentother moments af::terwards, marked by returninghope, or increasing dDespair,espondence1alarm were alldwelt on with the energy. of Love."To see you, criedsaid he, in the midstof those who could not be mywell-wishers, to see your Cousinclose by heryou2conversing & smiling — & feel all the horribleEligibilities & Proprieties of theMatch! — to consider it as thecertainprobable wish of every beingwho could hope to influence you — even, if your own feelings werereluctant, or indifferent — toconsider that what powerfulsupports would be his! Was


'Despondence' is partly written over 'despair,'.Back to context...
'you' written over 'her'.Back to context...
Image for page: 29 of manuscript: blpers