[ p.23 ]

of athe family, and if they couldbut keep Capt .CaptainWWentworth from beingKnighted made a Baronet, itshe1would not change situations with Anne.be all very well. It would be well for the EldestSister if she were equally satisfiedwith her situation, foras a changeof it is not very probable,2there. — Shehad soon the mortification of seeingMr . E.Elliot withdraw, & no one ofproper condition has since pre::sented himself to raise eventhe unfounded hopes whichsunk with him. The news ofhis Cousin Anne's engagementburst on Mr . Elliot most un::welcomely expectedly unpleasantly.& was veryunwelcome. It deranged his bestplan of domestic Happineſs, hisbest hopes of keeping Sir Waltersingle by the watchfulneſs whicha Son in law's rights wd .would havegiven himput in his power — But tho'thoughdiscomfited & disappointed, he cd -couldstill do something for his ownInterest & his own enjoyment.


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Comma altered to caret.Back to context...
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