[ p.21 ]

Mind. — There was nothing for leſsfor Lady R.Russel to do than to admit that she had been pretty completelywrong, & to take up a new set ofopinions & hopes. —There is aBad Moralityquickneſs of perception,in some a nicety of Tasteagain. A young Woman proved tohad in the discernment of character —have more discrimination ofa natural Penetration in short in someCharacter than her elder — to havewhich no Experience in others canseen in two Instances more clearlyequal — and it was about than her Godmother!what a Man was. — But on therevealing that Lady R.Russel had been leſspoint of Morality, I confeſs my::gifted in this [.] p[...]art1 of Understandingself almost in despair after un::than her myself already young friendderstanding to have given a motheroffence (having already appearedweak exactly in the point whereI thought myself most strong)and shall leave ittherefore leave the present matter to the mercyof Mothers & Chaperones & Middle::agedLadies in general –; – but sheLady R.Russel was avery good Woman; &if her second object was to be sensible& well-judging, her first was to seeAnne happy. She loved Annebetter than she loved her ownabilities — and when the firstawkwardneſs of the BeginningNovelty wasover, found little hardship inattaching herself as a sort of


'art' written over about three illegible letters.Back to context...
Image for page: 21 of manuscript: blpers