Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
received Leſsons of more than oneKind; – the paſsing
admiration ofMr . Elliot had at least roused him,and the scenes on the Cobb & at Capt.CaptainHarville's had fixed her Superiority.In his preceedingattempts to attach himself to Louisa Musgrave,
(theattempts of Anger & Pique) — heprotested that he had continuallyever felt the an impoſsibility of really caring for Louisaher,though till that day, till
the leisure for reflection which followed it, he had not understood
the per::fect excellence of that the Mind, with which Louisa's could so
ill bear a comparison, or the perfect, the unri::valled hold it poſseſsed over himhishis own. — There he had learnt todistinguish between the steadineſs ofPrinciple & the Obstinacy of Self-will;between the Darings of Heedleſsneſs,& the Resolution of a collected Mind — there he had seen everything toexalt in his
estimation the Woman he had lost, & there begun
to de::plore the pride, the folly, the mad::neſs of resentment which had kept him
from trying to regain her, when thrown in his way. From that period to
the present
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