[ p.11 ]

discourage. – It was a silent, but a verypowerful Dialogue; – on his side, Suppli::cation, on her's acceptance. — Still, alittle nearer — and a hand taken andpreſsed — And "Anne, my own dearAnne!" — bursting forth in the fullneſsof exquisite feeling — and all wassuspense & Indecision were over —. They were re-united. They were restored to all that had been lost. They were carried back to the past, with only an increase of attachment & confidence, &only such a flutter of present Delight as made them little fit for theinterruption of Mrs . Croft, when shejoined them not long afterwards. She probably, in the observations of the next ten minutes, saw something tosuspect — & tho'though it was hardly poſsible for a woman of her description to wishthe Mantuamaker had imprisonedhimer1 longer, she might be very likely wishing for some excuse to run a::bout the house, some storm tobreak the windows above, or asomesummons to the Admiral's Shoemakerbelow. — Fortune favoured them allhowever in another way — in agentle, steady rain — just happilyset inestablished as the Admiral returned


'her' altered from 'him' by writing 'er' over 'im'.Back to context...
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