The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
" I do not mean to distreſs you, but you knowevery
body must think her an old fool. —Hide Patch I thought Turner had been reckoned an extra==ordinary sensible, clever man. – How the Devilcame he to leave make such a will?" — "MyUncle’s sense is not at all impeached in my o::pinion, by his attachment to my Aunt. Shehad been an excellent wife to him. The mostLiberal & enlightened minds are always the
mostconfiding. — The event has been unfortunate,for me, but my Uncle’s memory is if poſsible endeared tome by such a proof of tender respect for myAunt." — "That’s odd sort of Talking! –
Hemight have provided decently for his widow,without leaving every thing that he had to dispose
of, or any part of itit all at her mercy. —" "MyAunt may have erred – said Emma
warmly —she has erred — but my Uncle’s conduct
wasfaultleſs. I was her own Neice, & he left toherself the power & the pleasure of providing forme." — "But unluckily she has left the pleasureof providing for you, to your Father,1& withoutthe power. — That’s the long &
the short of thebusineſs. After keeping you at a distance
from your family for such a14 years length of time as mustdo away all natural affection among us & breeding youup (I suppose) in a superior stile, you arereturned upon their hands
without a sixpence." "You know, replied Emma struggling with hertears, my Uncle’s melancholy state of health. –He was a
greater Invalid than my father. He cd .couldnot leave home." "I do not mean to make you cry. –said Robt .Robert rather softened — & after a short silence,by
way of changing the subject, he added her brother –.had
equally mortified, irritated & greived her.
— Mrs . Robert exactly as smart as she had been ather own party, came in with apologies for herdreſs — "I would not make you wait, said she,so I put on the first thing I met with. — I amafraid I am a sad figure. – My dear Mr . W. – (to herhusband) you have not put any
fresh powderin your hair." — "No — I do not intend it. — I thinkthere is
powder enough in my hair for my wife& Sisters. —" "Indeed you ought to make somealteration in your dreſs before dinner
whenyou are out visitting, tho’thoughif you do not at home." "Nonsense. –" "It is very odd you should not liketo do what other gentlemen too do. Mr .. Marshall &
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