The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
that I have had no leisure to tell youanything –
but indeed I concluded you knewit all. — He has been very much
in love withher these two years, & it is a great disappoint::ment to him that he cannot always get awayto our Balls — but Mr . Curtis won't oftenspare him, &
just now it is a sickly time at Guilford Dorking. —" "Do you suppose Miſs Edwardesinclined to like him?" "I am afraid not: Youknow she is an only Child, & will have atleast ten thousand pounds." — "But still shemay like our Brother." "Oh! no —. The Edwardeslook much higher. Her Father & Mother wd .wouldnever consent to it. Sam is only a Surgeonyou know. ––– Sometimes I think she doeslike
him. But Mary Edwardes is ratherprim & reserved; I do not always know
whatshe wd .would be at." — "Unleſs Sam feels on suregrounds with the Lady
herself, It seems apity to me that he should be encouragedto think of her
at all." ––– "A young Manmust think of somebody. said Eliz:Elizabeth — & whyshould not he be as lu[.]cky1 as Robert,
whohas got a good wife & sixfour thousand pounds?"
- 1.
- 'c' writen over a single, illegible letter.Back to context...