Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
Mrs. Smith's enjoyments were not spoiledby this improvement of Income,with someimprovement of health, & the acquisition ofsuch
friends to be often with, for herChearfulneſs & mental Activity did notfail her,
& while those prime supplies ofGood remained, she
might have bid de::fiance even to greater acceſsions ofworldly Prosperity. She might
have beenabsolutely rich & perfectly healthy, & yetbe happy.
—Her spring of Felicity was
inthe glow of her spirits — as her friendAnne's was in
the warmth of herHeart. — Anne's was Tenderneſs itself; —andshe had all thefull worth of it in Capt:n -CaptainWentworth's affection. His Profeſsionwas all that could ever make her friendswish thatTenderneſs leſs; athe dread of afuture War, all that could dimoverspreadher Sunshine. — She
gloried in being aSailor's wife, but she must pay
thetax of quick alarm, for belonging tothat Profeſsion which is not moredistinguished — if poſsible —
moredistinguished in it'sforDomesticVirtues,than in it'sforNationalImportance.Renown. ––––––